VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [W]


Hunter Gatherer – name of a restaurant nearby

I don’t like fads / trends.

Sheeple *sounds like * people – people who do things because others are doing them

seed-to-table = they are growing their food and then selling it in the Restaurant

Farm-t0-table = Where does the food come from? What is the original quality of the food? It usually comes from a small farm versus a big farm.

from scratch – the recipe is a completely in-house recipe

Food Systems –  tracking where food comes from, how it is produced (organic/conventional?), where does it go to be eaten

Conventional – Normal / Standard / what is commonly used / what is the prevailing system … eg.  dumplings, dimsum….

Dimsum – snack /small portion

original Loan words – words that are borrowed from other languages, shared across borders,

Eg. Cafe, avocado, baoze/bun, Bier/biere/beer/pijiu

What is the typical New Yorker personality? 

talkative – adjec. a person who likes to talk / maybe too much

to complain about somebody – 

eg. I have a colleague who my boss is always complaining about.

extent – on a scale of How Much Do You like/dont like, agree/disagree,

elaborate on – to expand the ideas of , specify, explain in detail

take advantage – to use the best of / most convenient

take disadvantage  we don’t use this, rarely  “In battle, I used/took the enemies’ natural disadvantages”

Writing exercise

Topic: New technologies and ways of buying and selling are transforming the lives of consumers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, technology is rapidly  changing the citizens lifestyle. At first glance, we can obviously see/notice that new technologies are enhancing the ways that we carry out consumer and financial activities. In this essay, I would like to write about  / elaborate on these two aspects.

*** Need to Finish Editing:

It is said that technology has dramatically changed consumers behaviour. For example, online shopping has almost the replaced the traditional in-store purchasing system. Some people take advantage  of online shopping.*** Online businesses gave convenient between customers and salesmen. Whilst, it is easy to update new collection and provide promotion, moreover ______  quite easy to purchase and return. Online transactions have a higher risk of revealing sensitive information about the consumer to the public. On the other hand In conclusion / Moreover / Therefore, data collection and online shopping policy regulations have to be modified more frequently.

Another technology trend is finical invest online programe. There are mixture of investment programs accelerate on the finical market. For instance, short-term and long-term mini investment programs from well-known finical institutions, other founds which are ralated to silver or gold buying. Residents can imminently get the information from online application and transacted initiatively. Despite the fact, personal bank account security problem could be more apparently pay attention than before. It is leaded to government make complex grant to the social finical institutions.

In short technologies influenced our living every where. It can be excessed more fluently as a daily basis. The highest priority is personal security problem. Balancing the online life and real social networking is another topic we could follow by.