VIP Class Notes (Kyle)


women – wi men
woman – wo man


most of the foreigners can speak chinese very well. most foreigners
i was playing piano when i was child, then i stopped playing it. – I used to play piano
i went to the driving school.I went to driving school
how far is the company from your home? – how far do you live from work? 


traffic jam – too many cars all together so you can’t move
eg. I got stuck in a traffic jam
the subway is too crowded. – too many people
rush hour / peak hour – the busiest time of the day
eg. there are so many people during peak hour
driving license / drivers licence
immortal – can’t die
eg. god is immortal
commission – money you get for making sales
eg. I get 10% commission for every sale I make
headache – tou teng
eg. I have a really bad headache