VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]


Needs to practice more handwriting.


What is a special house/building 房子或建筑物 that you want to build in Minecraft?

什么是特殊的房子/建筑, 你想建立在 Minecraft?

Speaking exercise

I play Minecraft and do fishing. I have one magic potion. The magic potion can to help you move faster. I want to make the houses of this —> Diamond. Diamond is most rare element in Minecraft. I want to make a tree house. I just want to, it is just something I want to do.

I want to have a tree house …with a river around the tree and  behind both of them it is a mountain. The river is like a wall. I want to put some fish in the under ground. I live in the tree house and I put all of my things underground. 

Its not a wide river but its long. I think I can put it to the sea —> It will go into the sea.


terrace farming = 梯田农业

ex. I can build a terrace farm on the side of the mountain.

wall = a protective barrier from enemies outside

ex. China is famous for the longest wall in the world, the Great Wall of China.

waterfall= water which falls down from a higher source

ex. You can see a the beautiful views of a waterfall. 

bridge = a man-made structure which crosses over a natural obstacle,

ex. You can make a bridge to cross a river. 

massive dome temple 巨大的圆顶寺庙

halls of reflection 反思厅

ex. The grand temple is called the Halls of Reflection.


to make milk in Minecraft 用我的世界做牛奶