VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Speaking exercise

This grandmother is very slow. Mr. Bean is in between.  介于两者之间。


Bet Pet Snug Rug Nap Jack Tap Sack

Ban Pan Peck Net Sed Heck Ten  Teddy Peddy

Hot pot Not Lot Top Shop Lon Lipstick Pit Hick

Bug Tuck Mug Jug Pug Rug Suck Bust Trust

Backpack Capacity Instinct Politic

Pedestal Discriminate Optimistic


In between = 之间

Head = 头

ex. The Teddy Bear’s head is in the drawer.

Home = where you live 

Hotel = where you stay

ex. He is making his home in the hotel.


Racecar Driver Callum Makes a Car  Callum is a cool racecar driver. He can speed by really fast. Nobody can turn as quickly as him. Nobody can zoom along the road like Callum can. He is the best. Callum can dodge this way and that. He is a wizard at the wheel. Callum races blue cars and orange cars and green cars and red cars.  Whichever car Callum chooses, he wins every race. Callum wins cash and prizes. As a boy, he daydreamed about racing. Now it is real. Callum looks after his cars. He gives them oil and he shines them. He keeps them safe in a huge garage. Callum’s knack for looking after cars helps make him a good driver….