VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Needs more review

I struck the ball into the corner of the net, and made my first goal of the day.My teammate kicked the ball at the goal and the keeper of the other team kicked the ball with her foot out of the goal then I got the ball and kicked it into the net. For my third attempt, when I kicked the ball a guy who was just watching the match wanted to pick something up off the field and when he walked across the field, my ball hit him squarely on the arm and he blocked me shot!

Speaking exercise

What did you do this weekend?

I go to a small village, it is near Hangzhou. —-> I went to a small village near Hangzhou.

My mother have a former-classmate in Hangzhou so we played with them. —> 

My mother has a former-classmate who is living in Hangzhou, so we visited them and we spent the day together. There is a river across the village and we ride rode bicycles along the river. In fact, we rode a 4 person bicycle, that is called a QUATRROCYCLE !!!  The second day we went canoeing. for my first time. It was my first time canoeing so, I learned how to paddle a canoe. However, when we were rowing, it was difficult because of the wind. We had to continuously keep rowing  because the wind was pushing us back. For dinner, we ate fish and the bamboo shoots.


A oar = 桨 , used for moving the boat in the water.

ex. I used a plastic and metal oar. 

to row the boat = 划船

to paddle the canoe =  划独木舟

canoeing – to take out the canoe

mature activities = 成熟的活动

ex. Canoeing is a mature activity, it is not for children and it does not involve play. 

continuously = to keep doing something, over and over. 

shoots = little plants, baby plants

Metal – jin shu

wood – mu

plastic – su liao


Online Bio Langauge Arts and SS Teacher

Maestro Josh has been actively exploring the world since his childhood growing up in the high desert of Central Oregon. After graduating from the University of Oregon with his Master’s degree in Teaching and Learning. He went to pursue his passion for teaching and international travel in Thailand.   After stints teaching around the world in Bangkok, Switzerland, and Beirut, Lebanon, Josh returned to the United States to teach Social Studies, English, and Outdoor Sports for 4 years at an international boarding school near Lake Tahoe. He has always taken a passionate interest in the humanities and international affairs and looks forward to sharing his knowledge and expertise with the students of BIS.

Maestro = ‘Master’ in Spanish, and it means Teacher

Master’s degree = 硕士学位

passion 激情

强烈情感;激情a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc.
盛怒;激愤a state of being very angry
~ (for sb)
强烈的爱 a very strong feeling of romantic love
~ (for sth)
酷爱;热衷的爱好(或活动等)a very strong feeling of liking sth; a hobby, an activity, etc. that you like very much
耶稣的受难the suffering and death of Jesus Christ

actively = doing things all the time, –Not Lazy.

romantic = 浪漫