VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


survival in the forest 在森林中生存

forest = senlin 森林

Did you play a joke?  玩笑wanxiao

sneaky 偷偷摸摸

one time there was曾经有一次 cenjing you yici

 to  buy a hat = 买帽子

appointment 约定

Speaking exercise


One time there was a sneaky Joe. He saw a hat on the head of a person. He took the hat away from the person’s head.  The person was angry because he want the hat. The person said “Give me the hat,” The Joe said “No, No, No, No! I don’t want to give you this hat because this is my hat.” The person, “You will give me this hat.” And the Joe said “No, I am going to buy a hat for you.” And he wanted to buy the hat but he don’t give hat back to the person, he want to give the hat to other people. And she is angry because he don’t give him the hat. Just like this.

And along comes Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean has a teddy bear, he likes his teddy bear.


One time there was a sneaky Joe. He saw a hat on the head of a person. He took the hat away from the person’s head.  The person was angry because he wanted the hat. The person said “Give me the hat, please!” The Joe said “No, No, No, No! I don’t want to give you this hat because this is my hat.” The person, “Well, that’s not true. You will give me this hat.” And the Joe said “No, I am going to buy a hat for you.” And he wanted to buy the hat but he don’t give hat back to the person, he want to give the hat to other people. And she is angry because he don’t give him the hat. Just like this.

Needs more review

stomach ache-pain in your stomach胃痛;腹痛
E.g.: I ate too much and got a terrible stomach ache.

sore throat-咽喉痛
E.g.: I have a sore throat
E.g.: She has a sore throat and a fever.

fever (n)发烧
E.g.: I’ve had a fever (for the past three days / three weeks / etc.
E.g.: He’s got a headache and a slight fever.

Go forwards = 直走

Go Back = 回去

Go Left =往左走

Go Right = 向右走

Go Around in Circles =绕圈子走