VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]


Writing Homework: 

If you could take a 1-month vacation anywhere in the world, then where would you want to go?


While – during a period of time,

It is difficult for me to breath while swimming. I would like to learn how to swim while I am living in Shanghai. 

decorated – adjective

Nature Vocabulary: Mountains, Trees, Sun, Mist, Fog, clouds

to describe– to talk about, to give some details, tell more story, talk more and more

to get a headache –

Ex. Do you have a headache? I will get a headache if I am running the cold.

go to gym and use the pool – a place where you can swim

a Treadmill = a Running machine

While / during – a period of time


Noun = person, place, thing

Adjective = to describe an Noun

Verb = An action word 

Progressive Verb tenses

I want to learn how to swim but its hard.

to learn, to swim  = the regular form

Speaking exercise

Do you like traveling? Yes, but I have never been outside of China. I have traveled inside China a lot. 

Xinziang is really a beautiful place, it is really cold in the winter. I went there during the winter.  I think the Xinziang people are kind. I went to Xinziang 2 years ago. Not everybody can speak Mandarin/Putonghua. I think my favorite place was _____ Lake and it is very clean and clear. I didn’t go swimming there because it is cold. At home, during the winter I like to run inside on the treadmill.


accountant – your job, *uh Count Tent*   -> Financial system manager –  

Fujianese ––> use a English tone pattern, for example, English tones are over a sentences

*Avoid sounding like Chinglish* —–> Whipped, whisked and watered.

—-> Sally sells sea shells.

—-> Kelly keeps counting kites.