VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


Read your story to a friend, colleague or your husband.

A long time ago I was walking in the jungle, well actually, it was the forest. My family and me went to the river to go swimming, when we come back a centipede got onto my arm. I passed by a tree and brushed my arm against a branch/stick. I tried to brush it off and it bite me. After that, my entire arm felt/was very painful for several hours. And then I felt so much pain that I cried myself to sleep.


It looks like … to resemble, similar to 

The centipede looked like a baby chicken!

Speaking exercise

A long time ago I was walking in the jungle, well actually, it was the forest. My family and me went to the river to go swimming, when we come back a centipede got onto my arm. I passed by a tree and brushed my arm against a branch/stick. I tried to brush it off and it bite me. After that, my entire arm felt/was very painful for several hours. And then I felt so much pain that I cried myself to sleep.


divination, to divine the future =  adivinar

an insect bite – una picadura de insecto

forest, jungle – where the trees and animals are

gusano =  centipede or caterpillar

pollito – a little baby chicken a chick 

got onto it = to put something on, ex. The dog got onto the table.

a branch = una rama

a stick = un palo

ex. A branch is a living part of the tree. When the branch falls off the tree, it become a stick. 

Ex. You can pick up a stick. Little kids love to pick up sticks. 

“to cry yourself to sleep” = llore y despues me dormi , llorar para dormir 

ex. I cried myself to sleep —-> a phrase because you are sooo tired of crying that you fell asleep soon afterwards 

Hopefully = Ojalla !

to add – agregar

ex. You didn’t add me on WeChat last time.

ex. To make a cake you start with flour, then add Butter, Sugar, eggs, water/milk, soda.


a woman – singular

women – plural