VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (R+S)


Your homework is to finish reading this article and write about: How does Rain make you feel? Then, observe a 1-3 people during the rainy weather and report what you notice about their mood.

Does Rain Make You Sick or Happy?


“Don’t be so ridiculousâ€, my mother always said, “Rain can’t make you sick; germs make you sickâ€.

And not too long ago a doctor friend of mine confirmed this.

The only way the rain can make you sick, is if the rain water contains germs that you swallow or fall into your eyes, he said, in not so many words.

The reason, he went on, that people think rain makes you sick ,is because when they get caught in the rain, the body temperature drops and may cause temporary sniffles (an immune system response).

However, if, after being in the rain, you stay cold for long enough, the body’s immunity drops and you become more susceptible to illness.

Those already on the brink of getting sick with a cold, may find that the cold comes out after being caught in the rain because of lowered immunity.

Personally, I love the rain, and my philosophy is: if humans weren’t meant to get wet, then why did Mother Nature waterproof the skin?

Speaking exercise

Completed a List about the Positive and Negative Aspects of Rain w/teacher corrections: 

The Benefits of Rain/Positive Aspects of Rain:

  1. Heavy rains are good for the planet/environment because water is the planet’s food.
  2. Rain can also clean the dirt from the streets and can also can clean you car.
  3. Rain can also help to grow plants for food. “Rain brings food, food brings people, so Blessed be the Rain.” 
  4. Rain weather can make some people feel uplifted/calm.

The Negative Aspects of Rain: 

  1. Rain will makes me wet.
  2. During rainy weather/a storm/times of rain transportation becomes difficult.
  3. If rain gets too heavy, it will make a flood, or cause a natural disaster and can be dangerous.
  4. Rainy weather makes some people feel depressed.


Phrase = an incomplete Sentence, a PART of a sentence. Just an idea.

Rain(s)- when it is raining heavy, it is more than 1 ——-> PLURAL

a Rain (One time of rainy weather) ———-> SINGULAR ——– a Raindrop ———> SINGULAR 


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

a raindrop – 1 drop of water, during the Rainy weather…

depressed / Depressing – to feel sad —->

Uplifted —> to feel happy, joyous, free, satisfied

Don’t be so ridiculous è’è°¬ —-> You are acting silly, and you need to stop! This is how it is….

sick – 生病… —-> Are you sick? 

germs – ç»†èŒ xi jun

temperature= to tell how cold/hot something is

sniffles=  a little bit sick, Not really sick

immune system = å…疫系统

the body’s immunity drops = the immune system goes down/slows down/becomes less active

susceptible æ•æ„Ÿ = bad thing, when bad things are more likely to happen, to become weaker.

on the brink of = close to happening

Needs more review

I have been watching a Japanese TV series. Maybe this series is about the food for the students / school lunches / the food served at schools. I think the Japanese food is very safe, and their example / hardworking spirit can encourage other people to do work hard. Do you know, there was a piece of news / news article / some news recently that, in China, a school in Chengdu province, happened there was a safety problem / violation / public health problem? The food for the children were found to be unsafe / not to be safe not safety. It was unsafe because it wasbeyond the expiration / expiry date. Do you know: the package of the food must be eatenbefore the end of last month, but the food in that news piece / that news article / the news wasbeyond that month.

Majority – the larger part of group; most
e.g. The way that I say “expiry†is not the way the majority of people would say it.

Violation – when someone doesn’t follow a rule
e.g. The health code (the rules on keeping public places clean) says that selling expired food is a violation

Structure – the order of something, the way the pieces are put together

Spirit – the part of a person that isn’t physical, their energy
e.g. He has a very free spirit.