VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S) (W)


Sneeze = 打喷嚏 —-> God bless you! / Excuse you! —-> (being polite)

The weather is getting hot —–> The weather is becoming warmer 温暖 . (Winter —>  Spring —> Summer —>Autumn/Fall

Weather Questions: 

During the hot months of Summer, what can you do to stay cool ?

  1. Stay in the shady areas, for example, under the trees, buildings or inside a building.
  2. Drink water. Drinking water lowers the temperature of your body and keeps you hydrated (shui fen) 饮用水能让你保持水分。水对身体是必要的。

to hydrate (v) hydration (n) hydrated (a) —- Have you been drinking water ? Are you maybe dehydrated ? (mei shui fen)

(made the sentences from Present to Present Continuous——–> *I am hydrating myself, you are hydrating yourself, we are hydrating ourselves, they are hydrating theirselves

we used the Shade of a tree 树的影子

*When we ask questions, remember you can use the RISING TONES 上升的音调 in the sentence.

Have you visited America? 

Cool  酷 – a very useful word with many definitions, very common

1. to be cool (adjective)= not too hot or cold, but just refreshed 刷新

  • ExamplesWe can drink water to feel cool because the water lowers the temperature of our bodies. 

2. to look cool 酷 (adjective) = when someone is stylish 时尚, popular 流行, or admired 钦佩

examples.  She wears black glasses to look cool = the Present tense

examples. She is wearing black glasses to look cool  = Present Continuous Tense  现在 xian zai 

3 to cool off (verb) 冷却 leng que (similar to cold, to make a littler colder—> Can be physical or emotional

emotional example: My girlfriend is a little hotheaded sometimes, so I have to remind her to cool off / cool down.

emotional example: My brother was a little angry, so I told him a joke and helped him cool off. 

help, let him,  = this is a helping verb, it is because you are talking about your Brother and you did something for him.


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Write a short poem that rhymes, you can read it and speak in a rhythmic speaking pattern 有节奏的说话模式.

Free writing = 自由写作

Prepositions Example Sentences: which, what, whom, whose, around, by, on, until

which (question word) — to choose one, refers to “the one”, we know it exists, it is there but don’t know its name

—-> the function is to say: In a group of things, there is One….

example. The city of Shanghai is in a country, but I forgot which one, which country is it in? —> Shanghai is in the country of China. 

example. Do you have a favorite food? I have many foods that I like, but I can’t say ___which__ is my favorite. 

—-Learning Which with Guess Who.

beard = hu zhe = hair on the face or chin

moustache = hu zhe = hair above the lip

  1. Of the men who have a moustache, which of them is wearing glasses?
  2. Of the women who are old, which of them has white hair?
  3. Of the men with red hair, which of them is young?
  4. Of the women with blonde hair, which of them is the most beautiful?

    Whom= somebody = a person =Who – talking about a person,

Whom is more formal English. Useful for business and explaining information about people that you don’t know personally. 

examples. Whom is a blonde haired woman? …..She is a blonde haired woman.

examples. This is the woman to whom I am married.

examples. With whom will be my class today? …. Your class today will be with Kyle, whom is a strict teacher, whom is a native speaker, whom is from the US…… (with whom= a question of Which person?)…( , whom = adding information about Kyle) 

Whose = _____ belongs to a person