VIP Class Notes (Kyle)

When there is a mistake at work, how do you fix the problem to make sure there are no mistakes again? What do you say to your colleagues? 


overseeing the project – management position, more responsibility

The system user will tell me what functions they want to code into the system, I should evaluate what functions we have and then I can tell the vendors to make the necessary changes.

to implement – to add something , to introduce a new element, to include, to incorporate,  achieve, carry out/on, move forward with, put into effect, fulfill, execute, actualize, realize

Three sentences: 

  1. first person = Once the system testing is finished, I let the vendor implement the function into the system. 
  2. Question to another person = Can you please implement the function into the system, since we have completed the testing phase? ( two rising tones OK for this long question)
  3. Third person= He came to our company for implementing the new retail system.

to let do = NOT = to make do (these are actually opposites!)

…to let somebody +to do = to authorize, to give permission to, to allow the function to happen,

ex.. Mom, Can I….? No, I cannot let you…. 

the testing phase : a required period of testing, that must be completed before the testing phase is finished.

test: Actually we have many different types of tests. For the software developer, they need  to do unit testing. For the project manager, they need to do function test and system test and finally the system user should do the user acceptance testing we call UAT.

Different ways to express TO NEED: should, they are required, It is necessary, It is recommended, It is best that…, We suggest that.., We highly encourage


Usually –– you zZhu uh lee

usually my vendor makes some mistakes, so I should fix some of their issues.

col*leagues – CAL Leegz

Many of my colleagues graduated from an Ivy League university. 

Tongue Twisters: 

*I thought I wanted to buy these clothes but then I thought not, and instead I bought these clothes *

clow {Thess}

* I saw a saw in Arkansas* (ar kan Saw) = same pronunciation