VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Next Class Focus

Edit the dictation at the bottom of the page and correct her phrasing.


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Context – what is being said, the story


“Old School”  – the way before the Internet, Local Language, Slang = not Formal

Stella is interested in transferring her schools. She wants to change from her current Shanghai Public Printing School to a different university. …..Discipline design …. Vision design  (creative design through a the visioning process)

Vision (n) -the ability to see (physical and nonphysical definitions) plan, mental

1) Eye sight, the ability to see physical objects in the room

A Right now in my narrow field of vision, I can see the computer screen and the mouse.

B In Shanghai, your vision is at its best when you go to the tallest building and the tallest floor.

2) Non-physical sight, ability to see opportunities in the Future

A When you play computer games, you will have a good vision(strike)…

When you are wanting to make a change for your life, sometimes you can take the time needed to have a vision of what will come next.

B In his dreams, he had a vision of being a CEO.

Computer games–  电脑游戏

To Transfer – to change to another, verb

Ex. In the metro, you can transfer to line 2 or line 12.  I live in Changning and I can take like 2 there but then I need to transfer to line 7 or I can walk from line 2. I already took line 2 but I need to transfer to line 15 ( so I need more time, I will be there in 10 minutes).

Metro / Subway / the underground train  =   地铁

I didn’t try – (you had the opportunity to try, but you chose Not to)—–> I have been – location, activity, experience, feeling, past experiences, recently, today’s mood,

Ex. I haven’t been snowboarding before, I would like to.

Speaking exercise

Travel Vocabulary:

Which countries have you been to?

I have been to Japan and America uuh United Kingdom anduh Thailand…. Before. And I have been some gallery in US… (?) … and I have been to shooting beautiful pictures (people?) maybe have take some pictures and In the morning when the sun comes out. And I have been to Korea by myself with one of my friends (?) I have been to Korea before and only with my friend and we didn’t have any experience before traveling without our parents or our families. (independent) I decided went to Korea without my parents because I want to be more brave and more independent. Because Korea is and Korea is not have lot of security problems and one time me and my friends went to our house very late and to like almost 1’o clock to achieve our house and we just attach (how do you say that?) um we almost could not catch the last metro train to our neighborhood in Seoul… Maybe if went to some place and it went some vacation with my family, I cannot be that late…. (so the experience was exciting/adventurous/exhilarating). The most very weird thing is although we already catch the last metro but it didn’t stop in our station and just before out station this subway was just overwork was just finished and just you know the next station is our station, and we need to use the Korean map and go out the subway and went to our home by walk.