VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Speaking exercise

What did you do today?… What will you do later today ?

past tense versus future tense.

In the morning I went to another English class. First, I woke up and I brushed my teeth. I didn’t wash my hair, I just combed my hair. And I ate breakfast, and we walked to my English class from my house to Xinchun Road. And I have a I had piano class at 12:00 ‘o clock. For lunch today I ate a two slices of bread. One of the slice of bread was sweet and the other was not sweet, it was plain. I saw a school out of the bus windows because there was a rainbow picture on the school gate. And a picture of a little girl was also on the school gate. And I went to Smart English, soon I will finish the Smart English class and then I will eat dinner outside of school, maybe some noodles, maybe some hong shao meat. And maybe I will have a cup of water melon juice, or a mango smoothie.

Do you watch a movie? Yesterday I watched X-Men / X zhan jing. Logan has special powers in his hands, he can regenerate his body. Do you know Blink? She can teleport herself, go anywhere she wants by thinking. Do you know Storm? Storm can use electricity and wind power?

Do you know she her? That is Jean Grey, she is a very powerful X-woman. Do you know Cyclops? His real name is Scott. He can shoot energy from his eyes. Do you know X-man 4? No, tell me. It can go this… wall be destroyed. … The younger girl, her name is Kitty, she has a phasing ability.

The Ice Man can make things cold with ice powers. He can freeze things, make things into ice.


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

plain = not special, not sweet, not spicy, just regular.

also = too, and then

I will ….. = in the future, next time, future tense modifiers

mango smoothie = use the blender, to mix a fruit into a blended drink. The best thing.

special powers – abilities of the X-people

ice powers – make things into ice – freezing ability, to create ice

The Iceman has ice powers, he can make things freeze. 

to regenerate – to heal, to fix again

Logan cannot die because he has the ability to regenerate himself. 

What is Boom? It means, DONE.