VIP Class Notes (Joe) [w]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

To help you remember, think about your family members and how they resemble each other. What are the resemblances between them? Write about this topic and we can talk about it next time.


chubby – cha bee

Writing exercise

My husband and I are planning to go to Hawaii for the Spring Festival.As a tradition ,we will have dinner with our families on new year ‘s eve January 24th ,so we want to go for holiday on January 25th. I searched on the website for round trip tickets from Shanghai to Honolulu ,departing on the 25th of January and returning on the 31st of January. We haven’t decided which flight we should book ,because the fare of direct flight is more expensive, but the non-direct flight has a 4 hour and 40 minute layover at Tokyo airport that will take longer time.
My husband and I are planning to go to Hawaii for Spring Festival. As a tradition ,we will have dinner with our family on new year’s eve, January 24th, so we want to go for a holiday on January 25th. I searched on the website for round trip tickets from Shanghai to Honolulu, departing on the 25th of January and returning on the 31st of January. We haven’t decided which flight we should book, because the fare of direct flights is more expensive, but the non-direct flights have a 4 hour and 40 minute layover at Tokyo airport that will take longer.

It will take longer than you go there by train

It will take longer than going there by train


Chubby – adj –  nice word for fat
She looks chubby

resemble – verb – look like
People say we resemble each other

resemblance – noun – look like someone/something

The resemblance is uncanny – the resemblance is so close it’s strange


What do you think the resemblance between you and your brother ?
What do you think the resemblance between you and your brother is?

Do you think the residential buildings in Shanghai resemble each other?

Do you think these two actors look like each other?

Subjunctive mood – wishful
I wish I were something
I wish I could be something