VIP Class Notes (Joe) [w]


Failed – fay yild

Field – fee yild


I choose to delight myself  – the word ‘delight’ is too strong. It seems strange to say ‘delight myself’.
I choose to please myself – the word ‘please’ is similar to delight, but not as strong.

Prioritize – to choose the most important things
I prioritize my own happiness

Pant suit – a suit which includes pants

Consensus – a meeting of the minds
they reached an agreement easily because there was a consensus between them


I don’t wear a high heel
I don’t wear high heels
I don’t wear heels

Writing exercise

When you ask me stigma in China, we can name a lot of things
Female who get divorce;
Female who have sex before marriage;
Female who don’t get married or baby after 25.
But today I want to talk about sending your parents into nursing house.

In China, sending your parents into nursing house means you abandon your parents or you are a loser who failed to support parents. And you will get a lot of serious moral condemnation from people around you.

But the reality in China is that most of working couples have to support total 4 parents and raise at least 1 child at the same time. It’s already hard to take care of all those things with limited time and energy, and it will get much harder especially when baby is too young and parents get weak and sick. For example, there is a common disease called Alzheimer’s disease among old people. Once get such disease, besides lose memory, people cannot behaviour themselves and control their emotion. Such people staying with family cannot get the professional care and this will also cause a heavy burden on their family. All this is just because this is a stigma.

If one of the couple chooses to compromise, give up work and back to family to look after family and handle all those tough things, bingo there will be new stigma. They will be treated unfairly by the society and their contribution will not be recognized. And in such situation, the husband usually will be called as “gigolo” and the wife will be labelled as boring housewife with nothing achieve.

When you ask me stigma in China, we can name a lot of things

Women who get a divorce;
Women who have sex before marriage;
Women who don’t get married or have a baby after 25.
But today I want to talk about sending your parents into nursing home.

In China, sending your parents into nursing home means you abandon your parents or you are a loser who failed to support parents. And you will get a lot of serious moral condemnation from people around you.

But the reality in China is that most of working couples have to support a total of 4 parents and raise at least 1 child at the same time. It’s already hard to take care of all those things with limited time and energy, and it will get much harder especially when your baby is too young and parents get weak and sick. For example, there is a common disease called Alzheimer’s disease among old people. Once you get such disease, besides losing your memory, people cannot behave themselves and control their emotion. Such people staying with family cannot get the professional care and this will also put a heavy burden on their family. All this is just because this is a stigma.

If one of the couple chooses to compromise, give up work and back to family to look after family and handle all those tough things then, bingo, there will be new stigma. They will be treated unfairly by the society and their contribution will not be recognized. And in such situation, the husband usually will be called as a kept man and the wife will be labelled as a boring housewife with nothing achieve.