VIP Class Notes (Joe) [s]

Today we focused on:

We focused on the difference between ‘I have something’ and ‘I have had something + time’.


Walk – sounds like talk

Work- sounds like jerk

process – pro ses


Digging – to use your hand or something in your hand to move earth or find something in something
My friend digs in her bag to find her keys
The old man is digging in his garden

Drive / Drove / Driven
I drive every day/ I drove yesterday / I have driven

AC – 空调
When it’s too hot you can turn on the AC

Blocked nose – unable to breathe through your nose
I have a blocked nose because I’m sick

Sore throat –  your throat hurts
I have had a sore throat for 3 days

Oceanarium – a museum about oceans
I took my son to the oceanarium


I have a headache for more than 1 week
I have had a headache for more than 1 week

I have had something + for + amount of time
I have had something + since + point in time
I have had an iPhone 8 XS for 1 monthI have had an iPhone 8 XS since last month

I have been sick since last week

I got sick last week

Call someone about something
Call someone to do something

I called my boss about the process
I called my boss to approve the process

Speaking exercise

When I sleep deeply, a thief entered into my room and stoled some cash and a watch. This morning I called a policeman for the thief. The policeman is very efficient. They arrest a thief and carry him into the police station

When I was sleeping deeply, a thief entered my room and stole some cash and a watch. This morning I called a policeman about the thief. The policeman is very efficient. They arrested the thief and took him to the police station