VIP Class Notes (Joe) – Elena V


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Make 5 questions with the structure ‘When did you…’ and ‘What did you…’. After you write down the questions, practice saying them.


My husband working here

My husband is working here

She call her boyfriend

She called her boyfriend

How you are feeling?

How are you feeling?

When you will go back?

When will you go back?

He had meeting

He had a meeting

I review some Chinese lesson

I reviewed a Chinese lesson

He back home late

He got back home late


Returned (practice saying the end of the word. Do not add an extra vowel between /n/ and /d/)

ago (make sure you say the vowel at the beginning clearly. It sounds like the ‘a’ in America)

called (practice saying the end of the word. Do not add an extra vowel between /l/ and /d/)

built (make sure you say the /t/ at the end clearly)