VIP Class Notes (Joe)


An athlete social plan and CNY social plan to my client
An athlete’s social plan and a CNY social plan to my client

I recommend you to see this movie
I recommend you see this movie
I recommend that you should see this movie
I recommend seeing this movie

We recommend that somebody should do something
We recommend doing something
We recommend somebody do something

We advise you to do something

Recommend – it’s an idea for something you may want to do

Advice – more serious. It’s something that you should do

Question: What’s up?
Answer: Not much / Nothing much / same old same old / nothing special

Question: How are you? How have you been? How are things?
Answer: Not bad / Good / Great

I always worked hard (talking about a period of time that has finished)
I always work hard (usually / always / these days)

Make small talk = talk about things that are not important


CNY – see en why

Senses – sen siz

Nostalgic – No sta:l jik


Plot– the story of a book or movie
The plot is not very good

The franchise went downhill after the third one

Nostalgic (adj) – the feeling you get when you remember being younger
Seeing the car I used to drive when I was younger made me nostalgic
Seeing the old movie again makes me nostalgic

Nostalgia (noun)
Nostalgia can be valuable

Molten (adj) – when a solid turns to liquid from too much heat

He held on to the chain and lowered himself to the molten metal

Fall (verb) – uncontrolled going down
He fell down from the tree

Lower (verb) – controlled going down
He lowered himself into the molten metal

Predict (verb) – guess what will happen in the future
His father predicted that he would not graduate from university.

Climax (noun) – the most interesting / exciting point in the movie

Predictable (adj) – something can be predicted
the bad movies always have a predictable plot

Predictable – pri dik ti bil

Anti-climax – the part that should be really interesting but it’s not
There was a huge anti-climax at the end of the plot

Sense (verb) – to know something through feeling
My dog senses my emotions