VIP Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

We practiced answering the question

Talk about a conversation that you overhead

– Say where it happened / Say who you overheard / Say what you overhead / Say what you felt


Eavesdrop – to listen without permission
I couldn’t help to eavesdrop on them talking about gossip


Undoubtedly  – an dow tid lee


I went to the top of the floor
I went to the top floor

Speaking exercise

I ran into a man in which is a tourist attraction in Shanghai and also known for the local snacks and maybe the local just a place for tourists. I went there last weekend and I ran into a guy who is middle aged and talking to someone on the phone. Presumably it was his wife because they were just yelling about some random stuff such as the housework and how their life has been. The man was yelling at maybe his wife. It was not that polite do such things on the street or in the public and I feel the negative energy from people around is arguing with some people and with such a loud noise and just made me uncomfortable. I think he didn’t notice that it will make people around him feel uncomfortable. That’s why I really don’t prefer to hang out with people who do such things.

I overheard a man’s conversation with his wife when I was in a tourist attraction in Shanghai, which is also known for the local snacks and maybe the local just a place for tourists. I went there last weekend and couldn’t help but eavesdrop on a middle aged guy talking to someone on the phone.

Presumably it was his wife because they were just yelling about some random stuff such as the housework and how their life has been. The man was probably yelling at his wife. It was not a polite thing to do  on the street or in the public and I always feel the overwhelmingly negative energy from people who argue in public. I think he didn’t notice that it would make people around him feel uncomfortable. That’s why I really don’t want to be near people who do such things.