VIP Class Notes (Joe)


She never moved by what I said
she was never moved by what I said

We was together
We were together


Upbringing – education in the home
Corporal punishment – hitting a child
tough love – being hard one someone because you care about them
I did my best to give my daughter a good upbringing. I tried to use tough love and corporal punishment, but she was too stubborn to be moved by anything I did.

Habit – noun – 习惯
I don’t have too many bad habits, but smoking is one of them.
I have a bad habit which is sleeping in.

Rebel – verb/noun – 叛军
My son rebelled when I took away his computer
My daughter is a rebel because she always does what I don’t want her to do
Teenagers are usually rebels

Hopeless – 无望
He makes me feel hopeless he always breaks his promises

Informed opinion – an opinion based on facts or education
I have an informed opinion about the topic because I read a lot of articles about it.

Uninformed opinion – the opposite of the above
His uninformed opinion was not interesting to me

Polygamy – noun – This country allows polygamy, so one man can have 2 wives.
polygamous – adj – He was polygamous

Surrogate mothers – women who have babies for other people
She was paid to be a surrogate mother

Stable income – a regular salary or money coming to you
Being a surrogate provides a more stable income than being a hooker


Politics – po li teeks

Emperor – em pi ri

Society – si sai yi tee

Next Class Focus

Review the words we learned to talk about marriage, polygamy and the surrogate mothers in the Ukraine.