VIP Class Notes (JJ)


pick: choose

ex: I like to pick which project I want to work on.

industry: professional field, 领域

ex: I’m interested in the fashion industry.

repetitive: redundant, happens over and over again

ex: I don’t like tasks that are repetitive.

get into: physically get in a place or to become involved and invested in something

ex: I want to get into politics.

accomplished: 有成就感

ex: I feel accomplished when my English skills improve.

accomplish: to achieve or to complete something

ex: I want to go to study in the UK so I can accomplish my life goals.

meaningful: 有意义的

ex: I like to do something meaningful at work.

concise: short, the opposite of repetitive and redundant

ex: My teacher asked me to write a concise review about a TV show.

persist: 坚持

ex: Learning English is hard but I will persist and will not give up.

give it a shot:give it a chance, to try something

ex: Cindy doesn’t think she will like watching Friends but she will give it a shot :).


Speaking exercise

I have never taken IELTS classes.

I work for an international company.

I don’t like to watch American shows.

It’s more fun.

I have never worked in branding/marketing.

My agency already sent my application for me.

My sentences are very short when I write.

Writing exercise

Email to distributor:

I’m sorry for my late reply. We were on holidays from October 1st to October 8th to celebrate National Day. Please find attached two separate quotations: one that can connect to X (can be used with Y) and the second one that cannot connect to the X. I’m also wondering if you could update me on the status of your partnership with ______. This would allow me to get a better understanding so I can better support you.


Writing exercise

Watch an episode of Friends (any episode) and write a review/summary on the characters, storyline, what you like about it or what you don’t like about it, etc.