VIP Class Notes (JJ)


I have never been to Europe.

I can put my foot behind my head.

I have been shat on by bird 6 times.

bird is not the same as boat 

I prefer to eat food than to do exercises.

I hate my boss.

I want to change my job.

hairtail: 带鱼

pull-ups: 引体向上

work environment: 工作环境

tolerate: bear

promotion: to get promoted

vacancy: 空缺

raise: 长工资

kiss ass: 拍马屁

in laws: your partner’s family members

resume or CV: 简历

keep your/my lips sealed: 嘴巴要封紧

secretary: 秘书

diplomatic adj. 圆滑

receipt: 发票

bill: 账单

be envious: 羡慕

be jealous: 嫉妒

board of directors: 董事会