VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

At weekends, I will go back to Changzhou. In the Monday morning, I will get out. I am not always staying in Shanghai. Most of the time, I should accompany my daughter to her training classes. If he want to learn something, she wants to learn well. (…) tell every people to wear a mask.


On the weekends (…) On Monday morning (…). Most of the time, I accompany my daughter to her training classes. If she wants to learn something, she wants to learn it well. (…) tell every person to wear a mask.

How do you say instead of how to say 

When are you writing the CFA level 2 exam? 


therapist: 心理咨询师 (THE-RAH-pist)

psychologist: 心理学家

fortune teller: 算命的

Ex: Therapists are not fortune tellers.

materialistic: 物质的 (materia-listic)

cultural shock n. : 被文化差异所吓倒

Ex: JJ experienced a lot of cultural shock when she first moved back to Shanghai.