VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


they need design they need to design

go to the site, do some measurement – go there to do it 

we need to know how big the popup storewe need to know how big the popup store is 

which = add new information / add detail
that = add detail / which one

what = the thing that
eg. I know the drink that you want. = I know what you want

they’re keen on buying

show the event show up to the event / at the event 


furnishment – furnishing 

renovation (structure) / redecoration (design / look)

beforehand < > afterwards

I got dumped / I dumped him – break up

Writing exercise

About anxiety

Sometimes I feel anxious when lots of things needs to do and face challenges. Or I will meet something unkonw or out of my control. For instance, putting myself in a new environment, working with new colleagues or handling unfamiliar job task, and the rainy season make that feeling stronger.

I will take some ways to destress myself

1. Playing with my puppy. The amazing thing is that she can recognize my footstep when I climb the stairs and start to bark even when I am on the 1st floor. She is so eager to meet with me. The feeling is so nice.
2. Watching movies to relax myself. The thrillers are often suspenseful which can let you forgot the stress temporarily.

But above ways are not workable permanently, you will feel stressful or anxious again afterwards. The most effective way to suspend your anxiety it to face the things which make you anxious and take immediate action.

About anxiety

Sometimes I feel anxious when I have lots of things to do / that I need to do and when I face challenges. Or I will meet something unknown or out of my control. For instance, putting myself in a new environment, working with new colleagues or handling unfamiliar job tasks, and the rainy season makes that feeling stronger.

I will use / take advantage of / utilize / implement some ways / methods to de-stress myself

1. Playing with my puppy. The amazing thing is that she can recognize my footsteps when I climb the stairs and starts to bark even when I am on the 1st floor. She is so eager to meet with me which is such a nice feeling.
2. Watching movies to relax myself. The thrillers are often suspenseful which can let you forget the stress temporarily.

But the above ways are not workable permanently, because / and you will feel stressed or anxious again afterwards. The most effective way to suspend your anxiety it to face the things which / what makes you anxious and take immediate action.

store staff

how many customers

because the capacity for the event is 50 so for the store side we need maybe 20 max for the customers and because our event will start from 5PM so the customer maybe can attend a little bit beforehand maybe at like 3PM so they will have time to shopping.

because the capacity for the event is 50 so for the store side it’s important that we limit the number of customers to 20 max and as our event will start from 5PM, the customers maybe can / it would be suitable for the customers to / it’s OK if the customers / it would be our suggestion that you encourage the customers to attend a little bit beforehand maybe at around 3PM so they will have time to shop / for shopping / to do some shopping.

celebrity and influencers

so I just wanted to run a list of celebrities by you and get your feedback and suggestions on which your customers would be interested in at this event. 

agency (3rd party) 

shopping mall landlord 

internally – PM, logistics, etc…