VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]

Writing exercise

Dear Mr Smith,

Thank you for your email / I really appreciate you for sending me this email / It was a pleasure to receive your email. 
I am writing to advise / notify you that unfortunately I recently lost one document in your office .
I would appreciate it if you could send it / have it sent / arrange for it to be sent to me by / via / through / over the post before / prior to / in advance of Thursday.
I am very much / greatly looking forward to your reply.
Best regards.

Hi John,

Thanks / cheers for the email.
I forgot one document in your office.
Can you send it to me by post?


Hey Lou,

Cheers for the email.

I’ll reply in a bit.

ty / thanks

Needs more review

to whom it may concern 

refer / please refer to 


same as always / same same 

quotation / quote 
eg. could you please help to provide a quotation for the computer…
eg2. Would it be possible for you to pass on a quote for the computer…

give / tell – pass on, pass over, send, provide, inform me of, email me, let me know, share with me, update me on…

shipping / send / delivery

ting bu dong
Sorry? what do you mean?
I don’t know what you mean?
Could you repeat that? / Sorry, say again…
Sorry, you “went to the what / (repeat word) and did what?”

Westerner / Asian / African / Black person – foreigner
Chinese (local)

cooperate – he zuo
eg. we can cooperate with companies from overseas which allows us to reach more customers

foreign insurance / overseas insurance / non-chinese insurance companies / insurance companies from abroad / international companies

Speaking exercise


Insurance technology company which means we can provide insurance services to international customers to ensure they can receive their items which were bought online / to ensure the transaction process between the international customers and the shop is safe and secure.

Slide 1 – cross border e-commerce risks 

If your company participates in cross border e-commerce, we can help to protect you from the associated risks, for example when your customer receives a bag or clothes or some other item, but the product has a problem and the customer contacts customer service, and the customer service is unable to assist the customer, and the customer complains to the platform that the product was purchased from, if you have our service, we are able to resolve all of these problems without costing you anything.


first – “feeeerst” / “frrrsst”

experience – “ecks peer ree yenss” – 4 parts 


I am writing to you in regards to receiving your last email.

I am writing to you in regards to your last email

go – going 
shop – shopping

I think coffee is good.
I like coffee.

I think drinking coffee is good
I like drinking coffee.

Coffee is good
Drinking coffee is good.