VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


hard worker / conscientious 

jargon / slang / idiom

ABC – American Born Chinese

I remember when I first came here

remember / memory / memorise
eg. I have a bad memory so it’s hard for me to remember things. I try to memorise words but I always forget.

speak / talk / say / read
speak – communication + use a language
talk – communication + ability
say – to speak words + meaning
read – to look at words in a book / on a page
eg. I talked to Jason and we spoke English. I said “hello” and I also said that he was a good man.

it was her choice / my wife chose it


brake – put the brakes on
– take a break


in here – here
eg. where is the water? here! i only see a cup! oh… in here

I know that your name is Jason
I have a friend that / who is fat
I have a computer which / that is black

time – billions of years
the time – what’s the time?

weather – the system of weather / climate
the weather – hot or cold today?

Writing exercise

Secret agent

A groups of reactionary try to use some way of public transit to deliver some virus weapon. Through the discussion they decide use flight to finish this mission.
Meanwhile the safety ministry of the country look at the action and contact the secret agent in that groups. They contacted him and hope he can prevent the conspiracy.
The agent is a handsome guy, most of time he is very pushy that is his affection for other people. But he also has a little bit stubborn, when he think something is right that he doesn’t heard any advice.
According his survey that he know the criminal put the weapon inside of walnut. They hired some people to opened walnuts. Sbody of lobster. The criminal said when they was arrested

A group of reactionaries try to use some way / method of public transit to deliver some viral weapon / chemical weapon. Through the discussion they decide to use flight to finish this mission.
Meanwhile the safety ministry of the country looks at the action and contacts the secret agent in that group. They contact him and hope he can prevent the conspiracy.
The agent is a handsome guy, most of the time he is very pushy which is his affection for other people. But he also is a little bit stubborn, when he think something is right and he doesn’t hear / listen to any advice.
According to his survey, he knows the criminal put the weapon inside of a walnut. They hired some people to open the walnuts.

Speaking exercise

This flight is belong to a food company. They want to use it to deliver some food the destination so the agent can find another kind of seafood such as lobster, but the pilot is a criminal ___ he flies / pilots this plane so the agent try to got the control with the plane. As the plane started to land, the agent find the destination is not the right way so he pulled the emergency brake and tried to land. They have a lot of employees in the plane. In that time the plane has a wonky so some people fall down the ground and break their bones. So he tried to speak some good things to them to help them to chill out. Finally, he completed this mission.

This flight belongs to a food / catering company and they want to use it to deliver some food to the destination so the agent can find another kind of seafood such as lobster, but the pilot is a criminal and he flies / pilots this plane so the agent tries to get control of the plane. As the plane started to land, the agent finds (that) the destination is not the right one so he pulls the emergency brake and tries to land. They have a lot of employees on the plane / on board. During / at that time the plane is a wonky so some people fall down onto the ground and break their bones. So he tries to say some good things to them to help them chill out. Finally, he completes this mission.