VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


Tell me about the time you met your best friend. What happened? Where were you? What interesting or funny thing happened that made you become friends? Remember: past tense, longer sentences.

Writing exercise

The story is about the company wants to collect energy on the moon. So they use clones to do this to them. Each clone work for the company for three year and then the company will destroyed it, and make a new clone. Then one day a clone was hurt in an accident outside the camp. So the company use a new clone. But when the new clone go outside to collect energy, he finds the clone who was hurt outside the camp, and save him. The old clone wake u, and the two clones meets and realize they are just clones and the people will kill them. So they start planning to run away and go to the earth. They think for many ideas.But just one clone can run away, and the other clone will be killed by people. The old clone is tired and don’t want to go to the earth. So he give the chance to the other clone.So the new clone go back to the new clone.Finally, he arrive at the earth.Then he told the people on the earth about what the company do. The people gets angry and criticize the company.

The story is about the company that / which wants to collect energy on the moon, so they use clones to do this for them. Each clone works for the company for three years and then the company will destroyed them and make a new one. Then one day a clone was hurt in an accident outside the camp, so the company used a new one. However, when the new clone went outside to collect energy, he found the clone who was hurt outside the camp, and saved him. The old clone woke up, and the two of them met and realized that they are just clones and that people / the company will kill them. So, they started planning to run away and go to the earth. They thought of many ideas but just one clone was able to run away, and the other clone would be killed by the company. The old clone was tired and didn’t want to go to the earth, so he gave the chance to the other one. The new clone went back to earth and finally, he arrived and told the people on earth about what the company does / did. The people got angry and criticized the company.

main point + reason / result / detail + reason / result / detail / next thing

I really like drinking team so I try to drink it every day or so which makes me feel very healthy.

Speaking exercise

I went to thailand with my parents and my mothers classmate and their children. first we went to ba…and we lived on the beach and the next day we went swimming in the sea and we eat some seafood beside the beach. Then, we go to magu and we see many animals. The next day we go to a park and there are many animals in there and we also see the elephants performance and I think the elephants is cute and interesting and I saw some people ride on them and many people buy some bananas to feed them.

I went to thailand with my parents and my mother’s classmate and their children. first we went to ba…and we stayed on the beach and the next day we went swimming in the sea and we ate some seafood beside the beach. Then, we went to magu and we saw many animals. The next day we went to a park and there were many animals (in) there and we also saw / watched the elephants performance and I thought the elephants are / were cute and interesting and I saw some people riding on them and buying some bananas to feed them.


I come here / I go there 

describing yourself

I live in China
I like China
I go to Japan

describing what you did

I went to Japan

I will be able to go home = can in the future

I was able to play guitar when i was a kid = I could play guitar in the past

I know that your name Henry
I know that your name is Henry and that you will go to America next year
I know that your name is Henry and you will go to America next year

he she it name does
i we they you do 

, = continue a point, a sentence, like “and”
. = finish a sentence and start a new point in the next sentence.
eg. I like coffee, which is very common. 


there’s only enough room / space for 1 of them

allowed = sb gives you permission / sb lets you

that = continues the verb

and / but – don’t use at the start of a sentence

and = also
but = however
so = therefore Â