VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]

Writing exercise

I feel the temperature is dropping in Shanghai today which was rained all day yesterday.There are a lot of leaves fall from some trees on the Road .The Christmas is coming in two weeks.our beauty salon bought some Christmas trees and other things and then we use them zhuang shi our beauty salon. There are many shopping malls play some Christmas songs.

I feel the temperature is dropping in Shanghai today as it rained / it was rainy all day yesterday. There are a lot of leaves which have fallen from some trees on the Road. Christmas is coming in two weeks so our beauty salon bought some Christmas trees and other things and then we are using them to decorate our beauty salon / to make our beauty salon more beautiful. There are many shopping malls which play some Christmas songs.


There are many shopping malls. They play some Christmas songs.
There are many shopping malls and they play some Christmas songs.
There are many shopping malls which play some Christmas songs.
There are many shopping malls playing some Christmas songs.

I have a computer. It is black.
I have a computer. It plays some songs
I have a computer which plays some songs.

There are a lot of leaves. The leaves / They / …which have fallen from some trees on the road.

I was happy
It was sunny / It was rainy


finish my work = zuo wan le
finish work = get off work

How long does it take to get here
it takes 30 minutes to get here

I’m used to putting (n) an umbrella in my bag. Jesse is not used to it (n).

I’m used to latte (n) 

alcohol – al ka hole = “Ow! Japanese fall down hole”

Coffee = I do
Bai jiu = I don’t

audio = sound

Speaking exercise

I do = I go
I did = I went
I have done = I have been

I took photos of the beach which was very beautiful

I went there with my friend who is my good friend

to / for / with / at / in / on / near / around / of …
which / because / but / so / and / who …

She likes it too because it has blue skies and delicious food and kind people who are very warm to us on the beach sometimes.

who what where why how …

I was worried the sun would make our skin brown / would tan us.