VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


Use the review words in some writing about school.

Needs more review

have fun – hao wan
eg. we will go to KTV to have fun

move house – ban jia

close (jin) < > far (yuan)

wear / wore – chuan
eg. I wear clothing to school

exercise – jian shen
eg. everyday I exercise

huge – very big

layer – ceng

plastic – su liao

swimsuit – clothing to wear when swimming

Writing exercise

yesterday I went to the watch a movie. It was terrible. I don’t think it was good at all because sometimes it was very good but sometimes it was very bad. I didn’t like it.

Speaking exercise

What was the movie about?

The movie was about a group of men and women. They are called the avengers and they fight bad people. I don’t remember the end because I was sleeping. Some people like this movie because it is fun but I don’t think it was fun.