VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


Write another diary but add more details about the reasons for things, what you felt and thought at the time. Try to use some of the words from today.

Today we focused on:

focused on simple conversation – some questions from IETLS speaking – asked lots of questions to get simple details out and remind of vocabulary learned at school.

Writing exercise

Today is Saturday. I woke up at 7 o’clock.After eating breakfast,I went to wake up my daughter.It’s time for her to get up. After I fed her breakfast,My husband and I took her to a drawing class at 9 a.m. Then we went to the Starbucks for coffe and picked up my daughter afer class. We had lunch in Wanjia mall which mall near our house. After lunch,we went home,then I took a nap with my daughter. My husband played games in the living room.We took our daughter to the children’s playground at 5 p.m.We had dinner in Wanjia mall once again,because we all are bad at cooking. So my family always goes out for dinner.

Today is Saturday and I woke up at 7 o’clock.After eating breakfast,I went to wake up my daughter because it was time for her to get up. After I fed her breakfast,My husband and I took her to a drawing class at 9 a.m. / AM Then we went to the Starbucks for coffee and picked up my daughter after class. We had lunch in Wanjia mall which is a mall / which is near our house. After lunch, we went home, then I took a nap with my daughter while my husband played games in the living room. We took our daughter to the children’s playground at 5 PM and we had dinner in Wanjia mall / at the mall once again, because we both are  / we are both bad at cooking / neither of us can cook, so my family always goes out for dinner.


I like coffee, you do too
I don’t like tea, you don’t either = I don’t like tea, neither do you 
I don’t like coffee or tea. = I neither like coffee nor tea.

all = 3+
both = 2

While I have class, I drink water.
While the teacher is talking, the students should listen.

allergic (adj) / allergy (n)
I am allergic to the chemical in pool water
I have an allergy to pool water

I go to play = children
I go out / I go to ____ (watch a movie / meet my friend) = adult
I play a game / sport / movie / video = anyone

kilometer (UK) / mile (US)

price – jia ge
eg. can you give me a cheaper price?
eg2. the price is too high

study – education / reading / research
learn – to get new knowledge or skill
eg. I study English / I learn English
eg2. I study swimming / I learn swimming

plan / will / want to / intend
eg. I plan to teach her to swim next year
eg2. I intend on teaching her to swim later (formal / higher level)

gym – jian shen fang
eg. I go to the gym every day

shallow (a little water) < > deep (lots of water)
eg. I will take my daughter to a shallow pool when she learns swimming

1800 for 10 classes – 1 thousand 800 / 18 hundred
1055 for 6 classes – 1 thousand AND 50


test / exam – kao shi
grade 5 – 5 nian ji
eg. she must pass the swimming test in grade 5 at school

what grade are you in? – ji nian ji

dangerous < > safe
eg. Swimming makes you safer. Not knowing how to swim is dangerous.

skill – neng li
eg. I think swimming is a skill to keep people safe around water

Speaking exercise

I live in Pudong. Is so far from here and it’s a very new apartment complex. There is lots of nature. We often go to the mall near my house. There are so many different store in the mall and we can eat and play, singing, watch films (cinema), massage. My daughter can go skating in the mall.

I have studied swimming but I have forgetten it. I only had 6 classes and I have an allergy to the water.

I live in Pudong which is so far from here and it’s a very new apartment complex. There is lots of nature in my complex. We often go to the mall near my house / home / apartment. There are so many different stores in the mall and we can do things like sing at KTV / karaoke (karee okeee), watch films (cinema), get a massage, or have a meal. My daughter can go skating in the mall.

I have learned swimming but I have forgotten it. I only had 6 classes and I have an allergy to the water.