VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Focus on connecting EVERY SENTENCE with conjunctions.

Writing exercise

Hi Shirley,
I’m incredible glad to communicate with you and Tonci yesterday. Tonci is very good at marketing so I recorded all of the information from him. Please find the attachment that is recording. Also could you please organize it and highlight the key point. According to his opinion, advertise on XIAOMI APP is a good way to get more new consumer, I agree it. So let me know if you have time 3 days later, we can discuss the details. At the same time, I think it’s necessary to inform candy to join us. Well, I think Tonci is suitable to marketing position. HR should to notify him that he would get the offer.

Hi Shirley,
I was incredibly glad to communicate / meet with you and Tonci yesterday / It was really a pleasure to meet you and Tonci yesterday. I feel Tonci is very good / he’s very skilled at marketing so I recorded all of the information from him. Please find the attachment which is a recording, and could you please organize it and highlight the key points. According to his opinion, advertising on XIAOMI APP is a good way to get more new customers, which I agree with. So let me know if you have time in the next 3 days, as / and we can book a time to / find some time discuss the details. At the same time, I think it’s necessary to inform Candy to join us / I think it would be best if Candy joined us.

So I’d like to officially recommend Tonci for the marketing position, and if we decide to hire him HR should to notify him that he will get the offer.


I have a coffee and it is good which Sandy gave to me.

I agree with you / I agree with your idea.
I think we should go to Japan. Sandy agrees.


high < > sober – on or off drugs
eg. he was really high

happy < > sad / down / low
eg. I’m a bit down today because of the weather

potential employee / interviewee
eg. he’s a potential employee that we’re looking to hire

Hi Sandy, I’m just looking for your boss. Could you let him know I called? = I want to find him 
Hi Sandy, I’m just looking to speak with your boss. = I want to do sth 

well = considering / thinking about sth

3 days ago (3 days from now into the past) < > in 3 days (3 days from now into the future)

which – adds new information
that – just says which one

consumer – consume
eg. I consume a lot of coffee = I drink it
eg2. I consume a lot of movies = I watch them
eg3. I consume a lot of eggs = I eat them
customer – a client – someone who pays for a service / product
eg. Sandy is a customer of Apple but she buys the products for her kids so her kids are the consumers.

I feel that Tonci is very skilled at marketing so I recorded all of the information from him, which is attached as a recording – could you please organize it and highlight the key points.

in my 20s – from 20-29 years old

dodgy – not trustworthy / not high quality / suspicious
eg. he was really dodgy