VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Focus on making sure that each sentence has 2 points, using conjunctions to connect. And, don’t use “and / but / because” as the first word of the sentence. Use the other words I suggested.


how do you feel about teaching kids? 

it’s a challenge / it’s challenging = it’s difficult but interesting / I can learn sth

accept – jie shou
eg. I can’t accept kids who are rude

complex / complicated – fu za
eg. teaching kids can be complex

mood – xin qing
eg. I was in a bad mood

teach / taught

half a year / half an hour 

video conference – “tv meeting”

Writing exercise

In my imagination Australia is blue sky, white clouds, sand beach. I can already smell the sea. I haven’t been to Australia, but I always could see Australia on TV. Two of my classmates emigrated to Australia. They are mainly in order to give children a better living and learning environment, they’re worry about domestic air pollution and academic stress. But relations between the two countries have recently been fraught. I hope the relations between the two countries can be relaxed. After all, I have never been to Australia for a trip.

In my imagination Australia is blue skies, white clouds, sandy beaches. I can already smell the sea. I haven’t been to Australia, but I always could see Australia on TV. Two of my classmates emigrated to Australia, mainly in order to give their children a better living and learning environment, and they’re worried about domestic air pollution and academic stress in China. However, relations between the two countries have recently been fraught with problems so I hope the relations between the two countries can be relaxed. After all, I have never been to Australia for a trip, and I’d love to go there one day.


middle of sentence / Start of sentence
but = However
and = Also
So = Therefore
because = As / Due to the fact that / Since

could = if + can
would = if + will
eg. If I was rich I could buy 10 houses but I wouldn’t, I would buy a car and a house, then put the money in the bank.

could = was able to / past habit / past ability
eg. When I lived in Australia I could (was able to) always go to the beach on the weekend

would = did it in the past / past habit
eg. When I lived in Australia I would always go to the beach on the weekend

some works some work