VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

write about the training you had – think of an email topic – make it more formal.

Next Class Focus

focus on not using chinese but instead using simple english to explain things you don’t know

Writing exercise

Dear Tiffany,

Thank you for your email. I have checked the attachment. I think that Melody’s bonus for Q1 maybe incorrect. Please see the attachment in this email. The changes have been marked in red. Let me know if you have any questions.




Dear Tiffany,

Thank you for your email.

I have checked the attachment and / but I think that Melody’s bonus for Q1 may be incorrect. Please see the attachment in this email where / (Please) note that the changes have been marked in red.

Let me know if you have any questions. / should you have any questions, please let me know.



It is incorrect
It will be incorrect / it may be incorrect

Should I need to contact you, how can I reach you?  – should = if 

uni = all
form = the same / together

Example words


fill in a form


there are not many people going / people who go to the mall


sales way – sales channel / sales method 

live-stream (v/n)
eg. I will live-stream tonight / I watched your live-stream

confident – zi xin
eg. I need to be confident when I live-stream

viewers (anything) / audience (tv / movie / performance) – people who watch sth

interact – communicate / touch / ask + answer questions
eg. when I live-stream i should interact with my viewers

animated – lots of movement / action

packages / package deal / set – products together you can buy cheaper

salary – money you get from your job
eg. my salary includes a bonus and commission

commission – money you get for each sale
eg. I get 10% commission from my sales

sales figure / numbers
eg. the figures are lower this year compared with last year

target – what you need to reach / hit
eg. our targets are the same this month as they were last month

deal with it (on a) case by case basis – decide based on each situation

再说 – let’s see / let’s wait and see / let’s see what happens / let’s see how it goes / let’s play it by ear