VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


think of the top 5 – 10 questions you get from customers – try to write them in English.

Writing exercise

I am in search of an apartment to my mother which opposite our community.

I prepare PPT every Monday for the video conference which with my boss on Tuesday.

My daughter likes every amusement park which is so tiring.

My friend Cherry and Melody have put on a lot of weight recently, so I’m taking them to the gym.

I think my husband need lifting weights, because he is chubby.

Teaching the new colleague Shally is testing my patience.

I am in search of / I’m looking for / I’m searching for an apartment for my mother which is opposite our community / apartment complex / compound.

I prepare a PPT every Monday for the video conference which is with my boss on Tuesday.

My daughter likes every amusement park but going there is so tiring.

My friend Cherry and Melody have put on a lot of weight recently, so I’m taking them to the gym.

I think my husband needs to lift weights, because he is chubby.

Teaching the new colleague Shally is testing my patience.


Michelle / Shell / Shelly

不用了,谢谢~ – No thanks / There’s no need, thanks / It’s ok, thanks

抓紧时间,只剩10分钟了~ – hurry up, we only have 10 minutes / take your time, we’re running out of time 

保证… – ensure / make sure / guarantee (promise)

点赞➕关注 – give me a like and follow me / give me a thumbs up and subscribe / like and follow!

PPT = PowerPoinT presentation

1 pt = 1 point

exfoliation (n) / exfoliate (v)
eg. your skin isn’t good, so you should exfoliate

moisturizer = to add moisture / water / wet
eg. I was to find something to moisturize my skin

cleansing – “klen zing”
cleanliness – the idea of being clean – “klen lee ness”
eg. because of the virus personal cleanliness is very important

anti = fight / not support sth / stop
eg. I’m anti-women = I think men should be stronger and better than women
eg2. it’s anti-aging = it can stop / beat aging

endanger = to make dangerous
enrich = to make it rich
rich = full of sth
eg. this steak is very rich in flavor
eg2. Oranges are rich in Vitamin C

essence / concentrated sth
eg. I put concentrated apples into the cream

powder – fen
foam – pao
eg. Don’t give me too much foam = nai pao in the coffee

bubble bath – pao pao yu

mild / weak – not strong / soft /safe to use
strong < > mild

to prime sth = to get sth ready
primer – cream to make your face ready

concealer = to hide sth

client / customer – ke hu

explain = jie shi

eg. when you do your makeup < > when you take your makeup off

put your face on / put your makeup on / do your makeup 

pimple – “pim pl” – dou dou
eg. it’s really good at stopping you from getting pimples / preventing pimples because it keeps your pores really clean / it cleans your pores

have your met someone who, when you first meet them, their skin is good but then they start using a lot of skin care and their skin gets worse and worse?

they should choose suitable products