Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Next Class Focus

Conditional tense

Writing exercise

i had a good memories in the university, my roommates and i usually shares interesting thing which was eating hotpot, talked with their boyfriend, discussing about studying and so on. i experienced kinds of things which is happy、sad、angry in that time, all in all that was special for me.

i have a many good memories from the university, my roommates and i usually shares interesting things including eating hotpot, talking with their boyfriend, discussing about studying and so on. i experienced many kinds of things including happiness、sadness、anger at that time / in that period, but all in all that was special for me.


which = and it / they…
eg. I experienced many things which were so important for my life

discuss = talk about
eg. I discussed many things with Nell

I included Nell in the conversation = let her into the conversation
Nell was included in the conversation = Nell was let into the conversation
I have many students including Nell = and Nell is one of the students

that’s all / that’s it / nothing else – nothing more to say / do


noun – how many? which one?
verbs – what time?
I go to work –
sometimes / every day / always / never
I went to work – in the past at a specific time

to / for

+ verb
for + noun
eg. I come here to learn English / I work to earn money / I work to raise my children
eg2. I come here for English / I work for money / I work for my children

to = dao / ju li (distance)
I go to work / I go to school
This is different to that
I give this to you

for = how long / support / help
eg. I have class for 1 hour
eg2. I work for Smart English
eg3. I bought a cake for you