VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Do a little writing and try to use some of the grammar we did today. Keep it short and simple – maybe 4-5 sentences.


habit – sth we do without realising / because we have done it for so long
eg. when i say hello to a man i have the habit of shaking his hand
lifestyle – the way I live my life
eg. my lifestyle is quite relaxed and happy

habitat = a place an animal lives
inhabited = people live there
uninhabited = no one lives there


for + how long
eg. I have stayed in SH for about 15 years
eg2. we have class for 1 hour

I lived in Japan before = i don’t live there now

I have many students. You are my favorite.
I have many students with you being my favorite.

during my working timeduring my career / since I started working 

i didn’t have a babyI didn’t have kids / before i had kids 

Writing exercise

Novel Corona virus in China
Novel corona virus is a wild spreading infectious disease around the world. It was once reported that it had been originated from China before, but it has not been confirmed till now.
In order to prevent its large scale transmission, local governments in China take lots of measures, mainly including the following aspects:
1. Quarantining people 14 days centralized or stay at home alone who return from Hubei province, especially in Wuhan city. Wuhan is regarded as the center of epidemic.
2. Recommending people to wash hands frequently due to the common way of getting infected is by touching things in public. Meanwhile, pay more attention to our eyes, if we rub eyes, our eyes will be infected as well.
3. Wearing face marks in daily life to avoid directly infected.
According to the latest report, China has already controlled this epidemic basically. The number of confirmed infectors is declining day by day.
Hope it goes smoothly and our normal life could be recovered as soon as possible.

Novel Corona virus in China
Novel corona virus is a wild spreading infectious disease around the world. It was once reported that it had been originated from China before, but it has not yet been confirmed till now.
In order to prevent its large scale transmission, local governments in China take lots of measures, mainly including the following aspects:
1. Quarantining people, for 14 days at a predetermined location or stay at home alone (self quarantine), who return from Hubei province, especially in Wuhan city. Wuhan is regarded as the center of the epidemic / regarded as the epicenter.
2. Recommending people to wash hands frequently due to the common way of getting infected being by touching things in public. Furthermore / Also / Plus / On top of this, paying more attention to our eyes, if we rub our eyes, our eyes will be infected as well.
3. Wearing face marks in daily life to avoid directly infecting others / avoid being infected.
According to the latest report(s), China has already basically / mostly / pretty much / 90% / almost controlled this epidemic. The number of confirmed cases is declining day by day / daily.
Hope it goes smoothly and our normal lives could return / come back / hope our lives could return to normal as soon as possible.

Recently the company has been experiencing a number of difficulties with the recent email issue being the most serious.