VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Write about why you don’t like music and singing. Why do you think other people like it? What is something that is good about it?

Focus on prepositions and keep making sentences long using conjunctions.

Writing exercise

There was a baby that called boss baby and there was a bad guy who liked cat very much. The boss baby wanted to beat the bad guy. The bad buy had a restaurant and used it to make people became cats lovers. Boss baby created chaos because he wanted people to love babies, not cats. So he made other 2 babies to throw the cats food to everyone’s head in the restaurant and all the cats wanted to eat the food so they all jump on people’s head and ate the food so all the people were very angry and they all left the restaurant. Boss baby won so all people loved babies again.

There was a baby who was called boss baby and there was a bad guy who liked cats very much. The boss baby wanted to beat the bad guy because the bad guy had a restaurant and used it to make people become cats lovers. Boss baby created chaos because he wanted people to love babies, not cats. So he made the other 2 babies to throw the cat’s food on everyone’s head in the restaurant and all the cats wanted to eat the food so they all jumped on everybody’s head and ate the food so all the people were very angry and they all left the restaurant. Boss baby won so all people loved babies again.


i don’t look this one – I haven’t watched this one 

I throw sth to you – give to you
I throw sth at you – want to hit you

I throw sth to your head – want to give it to your head
I throw sth on your head / at your head – want to hit it

details never have time

I went to the park and came home
I went to the park to run
I went to the park and I will come home later


scared of heights – sb who hates being very high up
eg. I am not scared of heights

pretend – to act like sth so sb believes you
eg. I pretend to be a nice teacher but actually I’m really bad!

tv show / tv series – 20 – 30 minutes each
movie – 1-3 hours

star sign – xin zuo
eg. what is your star sign? i dont care because i don’t believe in star signs.

Speaking exercise

he goes into the car park and uses a tool to take the ticket. then he go to the swimming pool. He go out the toilet and go beside the pool and he sees 2 elephant slides so he wants to play the slide but he is too big so he sit on the elephant and the coach want mr bean to get out because it is children’s swimming pool. He goes from the kids area to the adult area and he sees the dive area and he go to the dive area but he is afraid of the height so he is very scared and there is 2 kids sit here and he stands up and looks very brave. He wants to jump into the water but he is very afraid and he falls down and he turn around and he use 2 hand to hold the diving board but he is scared so the kid kick his hand and he fall down into the water.

he goes into the car park and uses a tool to take / get the ticket. then he goes to the swimming pool. He goes out / he leaves the toilet and goes to the area beside the pool and he sees 2 elephant slides so he wants to play on the slide but he is too big so he sits on the elephant and the coach wants him to get out because it is a children’s swimming pool. He goes from the kids area to the adult area and he sees the diving area and he climbs up the ladder to the diving board but he is afraid of heights so he is very scared and there are 2 kids sitting there and he stands up and looks very brave / pretends to be brave / he acts brave. He wants to jump into the water but he is very afraid and he falls down and he turns around and he uses both of his hands to hold onto the diving board but he is too slow so the kid kicks his hand and he falls down into the water.