VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


in advance – before sth

excel formula 

fx = effects = special effects = computer graphics / cartoons / animation

stand-up – comedy show where they stand in the middle of a room and just tell jokes

Kevin Hart comedy special 

digit / character / number / letter / symbol
character – anything
digitnumber 1234567890
symbol – a character with meaning * &  % $  # @

typo – a typing mistake
eg. that’s a typo / I made a typo

to get sth done
to get started 

I hope you have a good day tomorrow = I want
I wish I was rich = I’m not rich now, but if I was, it’d be good

better = more than sth
well = good / enough

I need you to do it = It’s very important that you do it / It’s crucial that you do it

I did the PPT in advance in order to finish it on time / make myself more relaxed

advised – let you know sth
eg. he advised that I should think about my work and how I can do it better.


too much to me – too much for me 

finish for 1 day – finish it in 1 day

a task that was to build a PPT model …
a task to build a PPT model …

he hope me that I can he hopes that I can finish it on time

Writing exercise

My boss gave me a task that build a PPT model for our daily report. He said I can finish it tomorrow. But I afraid that I can’t finish it tomorrow so I did part of it today. I hope I can be well qualified for my job. So I need to do my best. I am more busy than before but I think I can learn many things in the new company. Finally I hope no-one will frame me here.

My boss gave / assigned / handed me a task to / required me to / requested that I build a PPT model for / in order to increase the detail in / to assist our daily report. He said / mentioned / advised me / let me know I could finish it tomorrow, but / however I was afraid that I couldn’t / wouldn’t be able to finish it tomorrow / get it done by tomorrow so / therefore I did part of it today / I got started on it today. I hope I can be (even) more qualified for my job / I’m really looking forward to being even more qualified for my job, so I need to / It’s really important that I do my best. I am busier than before but I think I can learn many things in / from the new company. Finally, I hope no-one will try to blame me here (like they did at my previous company).