VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


What happened in the fight between the cat and the wolf in the video we watched. Why did the cat win?

Today we focused on:

read cats vs dogs and watch videos about packs of wolves and puma vs wolf fight

Needs more review

claw – nail
fur – hair
paw – hand


pack – a group of animals together (like d0gs)
eg. the pack of wolves hunted the rabbit

stray dog / homeless dog

canine = K9 = dog family
feline = cat family

shitpoo – da bian

predator < > prey
eg. the wolf is a predator and the rabbit is the wolf’s prey

ancestor – relatives from a long time ago

Writing exercise

I have a pet, I get it under my mother’s car and it is a stray dog. She is a small dog and her name is dingding and I like it very much and my family like it. I always teach my dog some tricks. It will do it funny but I don’t know what breed the dog is. Her paw is black and her fur is yellow and soft.

I have a pet, and I got it / which I got under my mother’s car and it was a stray dog. She is a small dog and her name is dingding and I like her very much and my family like it. I always teach my dog some tricks. It will do it funnily / in a funny way but I don’t know what breed the dog is. Her paws are black and her fur is yellow and soft.