VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Today we focused on:

focused on sentences and adding details to sentences while speaking using conjunctions and prepositions


have 2 reasonsthere are 2 reasons 

must to know – must know 

i want to understand it very deeply 

i want to pick out the key words (which were) used in our social media = the key words were used already in our social media
i want to pick out the key words to (so we can) use in our social media = the key words from sth else because we want to use them in our social media

the sell location is at Levis shop and there are many people lining up there.

I know that you are happy.
I know what you want.
They told us that we must cancel the activity.

i want help the new things let many people know – I want to help the new things to let many people know

I want to use the social way to post that to let many people know

I want you to go
I want that to go

our company they think it’s very important

i want my boss to help me.

if i have enough recognise – if I have enough understanding of sth 


wondering = want to know
eg. I am wondering about the problem = I want to know about the problem

promising – lots of potential
eg. Cida is very promising

create (v)
creative (adj)

they don’t know the difference between every line

eg. they use the mini-program to hold this event.


account – a kaooo nt

theme – th eee m

Email writing

We meet with the EC department to make sure the information is consistent so the email topic is about the information.

We hold the calendar and we correct and update all the information in the calendar and we make sure we will send this calendar to many departments including bosses, CEO.

Hi all,

Please kindly check the attached calendar for our latest social media release schedule.

Please kindly see the attachment for our latest calendar which includes the recent updates (as) per our last meeting.

As per our last meeting, please see the attached updated calendar.

Please help me to make an application (and notify me of your availability) and I will let the delivery person know the time to pick up the products.