VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Writing exercise

I don’t need to work today. I woke up later, had a simple lunch at home, then I went to the gym with doing much exercises,such as boxing or running. I want to lose weight before summer come, but the process is quite difficult. The most important ingredient is to eat healthy food and less sweets. It’s hard to maintain, because delicious foods can’t be refused.

I don’t need to work today so I woke up later than usual / I slept in, had a simple lunch at home, then I went to the gym where I did a lot of exercise,such as boxing or running. I want to lose weight before summer comes, but the process is quite difficult. The most important ingredient is to eat healthy food / eat healthily and eat less sweets. It’s hard to maintain, because delicious foods can’t be refused / are irresistible / delicious foods are hard to resist


ski – hua xue

roster – your schedule that says what days and times you should work (can usual swap with other people)

during the week – Monday to Friday

where = “and at that place”
eg. old people go to the supermarket where they can buy cheaper food

a lot / many / much
I have many friends / I have so many friends / I don’t have many friends
I have much money  I have a lot of money / I have so much money / I don’t have much money

exercise – moving your body to make your heart beat faster for health
an exercise / exercises – the types of exercise / movements

fruit – shui guo
a fruit / fruits
eg. the fruits of the world / fruits of forest

food – things you eat
a food / foods – Chinese food, Malaysian food
eg. there are many different foods all across asia, including Chinese food, curries from India and Malaysia…

I slept in < > I got up early
eg. on the weekends i usually sleep in for 2 hours

I stayed up late < > I went to bed early
eg. On Friday night I often stay up late until 2 AM

I have heard it – I used to ears to find the sound
eg. I heard that song last week / I heard what you said

I have heard of it – I know the name but not really anything else
I have heard of Trump but I don’t really know anything about him

I have heard about it – I know some details about it
I talk about English
I think about Judy

a 2 story apartment – an apartment with 2 floors

company = people
eg. we had a good dinner with good music, good food and good company (people / friends etc)

accompany = pei ban

all peopleeveryone / everybody 

pressure (feeling like you have so much to do) / stressed (the feeling of having too much pressure)
eg. I have so much pressure in my life because of work but I go out with my friends and drink a lot so I don’t feel stressed.
eg2. my work is so stressful, so I always am stressed.

activity – sth interesting you do to learn, have fun…
eg. I went out with my friends and we did lots of activities