VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


stomach flu – a problem with your stomach from eating the wrong food

1/3 = one third
1/2 = 1 half
1/4 = 1 forth / 1 quarter 

better late than never – it’s better to do it eventually than never do it

in advance – before you needed to do sth
eg. i always do my homework in advance (before it’s too late)

beforehand – before sth
previously – before now

compost – wet garbage you put in the garden

biodegradable – things that you can throw away and will naturally disappear

annoying – ma fan

expand / spread
eg. we will expand the recycling plan to the rest of the country

countrywide – the whole country

effectiveness (n) / effective (adj) 
eg. we don’t know the effectiveness of this plan

they’re very well off – a little rich / successful

competitive (adj) / competition (n)
eg. this is a competitive school = good because it’s able to compete and maybe win
eg2. he is competitive = he likes competition

she’s stuck in the past – unable to let go and change her way of thinking to be more modern


Apples are good for us.

I have started it.
It should have started.
It should have been started years ago.

Writing exercise

Last week I had a class with Raph and we discussed about China recycle problem. From July.1st Shanghai will start to implement garbage classification formally. And our community will implement it from June.1st.
It is incredibly good decision to our country and it should start from years ago.

Last week I had a class with Raph and we discussed about Chinese recycle problem. From July.1st Shanghai will start to implement garbage classification formally. And our community will implement it from June.1st.
It is an incredibly good decision for our country and it should have started from years ago.


recently – RE sent lee