VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


octave – a set of 8 notes in music

oct = 8

during the week / monday to friday / weekday
eg. I have to work during the week so I can come for class on the weekend

week = 5 days
weekend = 2 days

midday = 12PM / noon

accent – kou yin
eg. I changed my accent from guangdong accent to a more standard one.

obvious – ming xian de
eg. it’s really obvious when you meet someone from guangdong
eg2. it’s really obvious that I’m not Chinese

Cantonese – guangdong hua
Mandarin – pu tong hua
Shanghainese – shanghai hua
Taiwanese – taiwan hua
eg. I can speak Cantonese!

traditional Chinese / simplified Chinese
eg. we use simplified Chinese in China most of the time

slang – li yu
eg. I don’t know much of the Shanghainese slang

i listen my classmate to talk about with anothersI listened to my classmates when they talked with others

another = 1 other
others = many others

heard of – to know a little about sth (maybe just the name)
eg. I have heard of your hometown
heard about – to know what it is, and some details about it
eg. I have heard about your university but I haven’t heard much about it.
know / know about – to know a lot about sth
eg. I have heard a little about sichuan but I don’t know much about it. However, I know quite a lot about GZ.
heard – to find something with your ears

more wetwetter 

more goodbetter 

more talltaller 

more beautiful 

they have pros and cons / positives and negatives / good and bad points / strengths and weaknesses 

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. / What do you mean? – 100%
Sorry, I didn’t understand everything after ____ – 50%
Sorry, what do you mean by _____ / I don’t know what ___ means. – 20%
Sorry? = what?

5:10 / 5:01  = 5 oh 1

5 o’clock = 5:00

I will leave = I am off

I am off work = I am off from work = I will leave work

I’m off today at 5pm

Writing exercise

1.Today I start work at 8:30 because I want to finish work on time to go to SmartEnglish.
2.There were 10 new employees came to my company this morning and I have prepared their conract which they have to sign.
3.I bought two cups of juice and share with my colleague.
I bought two cups of juice and give my colleague a share of it.
4.Yesterday I didn’t finish work on time because I had too much work.

1.Today I started work at 8:30 because I want to finish work on time / in time to go to Smart English.
2.There were 10 new employees who came to my company / joined my team / started working with me / started this morning and I have prepared their contracts which they have to sign.
3.I bought two cups of juice and shared with my colleague. I bought two cups of juice and gave my colleague a share of it.
4.Yesterday I didn’t finish work on time because I had too much work.

the government always changes their policies so you need to update the contracts quite often?

we have a new staff member / employee who started (at work) today

Today Hermia and Jesse started a little late because the class before didn’t start on time = it should have started at 5PM but it started at 5:05.