VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Do some writing and focus on sentences (grammar) – connect everything with conjunctions.


inflammation – fa yan
eg. my eye is inflamed / i have inflammation in my eye which the dr gave me eyedrops for

blurry – hard to see clearly
eg. my vision is very blurry

minor problem < > serious / major

knight – qi shi
eg. I swore an oath to protect the queen no matter what

swear / vow / promise

toll – the money you pay on a highway

toll – the price / amount of difficulty you pay for an experience
eg. that relationship took a toll / took its toll on me

priority / prioritize
eg. you should prioritize your health

I got my student to do her homework but she didn’t do it.
I got my student to do her homework and she did it.

= let / get / make 
I let / allow you eat ice cream after dinner = you want to eat it / you want to do
I get / ask you to do your homework = you should do it
I make / force you go to school = you don’t want to but I force you to / effect

Phones make our lives more convenient because they let us do many things and they make everything easy.

Writing exercise

Today when I played badminton in doubles, I turned around to see the ball, just then, my partner hit the ball and just got my left eye. I throw my racket and sit down on the court immediately, meanwhile, I couldn’t open my eyes, the tears went out and I felt my eye numb and sore. Then other players went to me in a hurry, and someone suggested me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes then they let me close my eyes instead. A girl gave me a pack of tissues and I used it to clean my tears, I saw the tissue was pink. I knew I was bleeding. The man who hit me took me to the hospital and another man also came with us. We went to a community hospital first, one doctor saw my eye and said we should went to see oculist to Eye & Ent hospital. So we called a car and went to another hospital. On the road, I was a little worried about my eyes, but I also thought it wasn’t serious. When we arrived at the hospital, we hung up an emergency, the doctor checked my eye first and then let her assistant checked my sight. My sight was as usual then the oculist used a instrument cured my wound. After that, she let us do another two check up and brought the reports to her. My reports was no problem and I just need to buy three bottles of eye drops to go home. That was more scared than hurt.

Today when I played doubles badminton, I turned / looked around to see the ball, and just then / at that moment / suddenly, my partner hit / smashed the shuttle cock and it got / smacked / smashed me in my left eye. I thew my racket and sat down on the court immediately, and meanwhile, I couldn’t / wasn’t able to / was unable to open my eyes, and the tears came out / started rolling down my cheeks / my eyes started watering and I felt my eye was numb and sore. Then other players came (over) to me in a hurry, and someone suggested me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and then / but they made me close them instead. A girl gave me a pack of tissues and I used it to clean my tears, but I saw the tissue was pink so I knew I was bleeding. The man who hit me (with the shuttlecock 10 minutes ago while we were playing badminton) took me to the hospital and another man also came with us. We went to a community hospital first, where one doctor saw my eye and said we should go to see the oculist / optometrist / eye doctor at the Eye & Ent hospital. So we called a car and went to another hospital. On the road / way, I was a little worried about my eyes, but I also thought it wasn’t serious. When we arrived at the hospital, we took a number in the ER / went to the ER, and the doctor checked my eye first and then asked her assistant to check my sight which was as usual. Then, the oculist used an instrument to cure my wound. After that, she got us to do another two check-ups and to bring the reports to her. My reports was no problem and I just needed to buy three bottles of eye drops before going / before I went home. That was more scary than painful / I was more scared than hurt.