VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Tomb sweeping day is coming, Chinese like to eat the Qing dumpling during this period. In the past, the Qing dumpling just has one flavor, sweet, but now, it has another flavor, savory with dry meat floss, that becomes very popular. The process of how to make it is mix water and flour first, and then kneed it as a dough, and then separate the dough as one and one small dough, then put the different flavor filling into it. Finally, put the dumpling into the boiling water. You can have delicious Chinese traditional dumpling now.

Tomb sweeping day is coming, and Chinese people like to eat Qing dumplings during this period. In the past, there were only 1 flavor of Qing dumplings, sweet, but now, there’s another flavor, savory, with dry meat floss, that has become very popular. The process of how to make it is mix water and flour first, and then kneed it as a dough, and then separate the dough into smaller pieces / balls, then put the different flavors of filling into it. Finally, put the dumplings into the boiling water and once the dumplings are soft and tender, they’re ready eat. 

put ideas together with conjunctions
verbs – time
there is / there are


yolk – dan huang

congee – zhou (hot rice)
porridge – mai pian (hot)

autonomous – sb who can work without being watched / guided / managed
eg. I’m an autonomous worker

think about / consider / ponder 

do a lot of job by yourselfdo a lot of work by yourself 

eg. I’m very insistent when doing my work

elevator pitch 


if I promoted if I get promoted 

you think it you think about it

think about / talk about
think / say 
eg. I thought “why did I do that?”

for an exampleas an example 


budget – bu jet 

English – no “r” – in GLISH

industry – IN dus tree