VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


pack your bags – put things in your bags before you travel
eg. I haven’t packed yet but I will pack today

suitcase / luggage – travel bags

carry on < > check in
eg. I have 1 bag to check and 1 bag to carry on

braces – ya tao

all of / some of / many of / a cup of 

inside < > outside
indoors < > outdoors


I have a phone that is black / which is black
I know that you said “Hello”
I think that Angela is going to Turkey tomorrow.

We have class for 1 hour

I want a cup of my water
I want one of my dresses

Writing exercise

It’s always rainy in Shanghai these days and i have a long time no see the sun.I don’t like Shanghai ‘s weather in the winter as so cold and chaoshi in the room and i can’t often wear my some beauty dress. and I have to put a lot of body creams for my skin which is too dry.

It’s always rainy in Shanghai these days and I haven’t seen the sun for a long time. I don’t like Shanghai ‘s weather in the winter as it is so cold and humid in the room / inside and I can’t often wear some of my beautiful dresses. and I have to put a lot of body creams for / on my skin which is too dry.

I get up at 10AM for minutes and I brush my teeth for 5 minutes maybe. I do makeup for 10 minutes, and then I put on my clothes for 10 minutes. Then, I walk to the bus stop for 10 minutes.

I want to wear a shirt and pants.
I get a shirt and pants.
I put them on = I get dressed. 
At work, I wear a shirt and pants all day.
At home, I take the shirt and pants off. = I get changed
Then I put on my pajamas.