VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Next Class Focus

Do some speaking, focusing on self correction of things like verb nouns / past tense / use which / change vocabulary for simple repeated words.

Writing exercise

I’m really into watching various US Movies and episodes which like “The Flashâ€, “Modern Familyâ€, “2 Broke Girlsâ€, “Fresh of the Boatâ€, etc. Watching these episodes can help me with my English and I always try to see the English subtitles and listen very carefully. Overall it’s a good way to learning English.

I’m really into watching various US Movies and episodes, like “The Flashâ€, “Modern Familyâ€, “2 Broke Girlsâ€, “Fresh off the Boatâ€, etc. Watching these episodes can help me with my English and I always try to read / look at the English subtitles as they can assist me to improve my English thinking / it can make it easier for me to change my chinglish thinking, and listen very carefully to what the characters are saying. Overall it’s a good way to learn English due to the fact that I can learn more new vocabulary and get familiar with the local way of speaking (from the comfort of my home) 


because / due to the fact that / as / since 
so / therefore / which means that 

etcetera = et set ter ra

like = for example
I like = xi huan
I am like = similar to

I knew you = you don’t know me anymore
I know you = you know me now
meet – your experience of seeing someone

I thought you were angry = I was wrong and now I know the truth
I think you are happy = what I think now
learn / find out – your experience of knowing

I thought I knew you!! = I was totally wrong and actually I don’t even know your true personality

Do you like cooking?
You do?
You don’t?
No, I do 

Do you like coffee?
You do?
No, I don’t
You don’t?

Oh so you haven’t been to Japan? Nah I haven’t
So you don’t like coffee? Nope! I hate it.
Ok but you do like tea? Yes
But you don’t like coffee? No
So tea is good? Yep
So coffee is bad? Yes


delicious = tastes good / great / it’s amazing 

aromatic = smells good / smells amazing 

it’s made of / by / from 
The table was made by a factory / cutting a tree and … / man 
The table is made of wood – the main material
The table is made from wood, plastic, metal – all of the materials

The table is from America 


the first time i knew this dish the first time I found out about this dishÂ