VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

I like travelling to see new things and Egypt is my dreamland. I promise to myself that I will definitely go there one day.

However, Egypt is not like all the other countries I have been to, it needs me to organise everything to work out a very detailed itinerary in advance. Probably one year ahead in order to choose the best season to go, apply for the visa, book for the transportation, hotels and the activities I would like to do there.

There is no direct flight from Shanghai to Cairo which means I will need to transfer in Istanbul for Cairo. I believe the whole flight will be very tiring.

Other than all the preparation I need to do, it still depends on the politic situation in Egypt, since sometimes, it can be very dangerous because of the terrorism.

However, despite all above things, it will come down with one very practical question, how can I drop everything and go, I just changed to a new job….

I like travelling to see new things and Egypt is my dreamland. I promise myself that I will definitely go there one day.

However, Egypt is not like all the other countries I have been to. I need to organise everything and work out a very detailed itinerary, probably one year ahead in order to choose the best season to go. So, I need to apply for the visa, book for the transportation, hotels and the activities I would like to do there.

There is no direct flight from Shanghai to Cairo which means I will need to transfer in Istanbul for Cairo. I believe the whole trip will be very long and tiring but I believe I will be very excited once I get there.

Other than all the preparation I need to do, it still depends on the political situation / climate in Egypt, since sometimes, it can be very dangerous because of the terrorism.

However, despite all of the above, it will come down to one very practical question how can I drop everything and go? I just changed to a new job….

politician – person
politics – the idea
political – adjective

i prefer that than the natural thingsover / instead of 
eg. I prefer coffee over tea in the morning

to talk sth over
eg. let’s talk this problem over and hopefully work something out

to – arrival
with – together
at – direction

talk about – normal
talk over – reach a conclusion

eg. I can play guitar but my technique is not very good – how I perform my ability / skill
eg2. The technology of the modern world is much more advanced than before – science / computing research etc…
eg3. my technical ability with computers is quite good but with repairing machines, my technical ability is not very good

I went to a cafe, which I had coffee in. = I went to a cafe in which I had coffee.
I had a birthday. During the birthday I was happy. = I had a birthday, during which I was happy.

lots of / a lot of
thanks a lot / Thank you so much / Lots of thanks.

these years these last few years / over the last several years 
these days = recently / last few years / weeks / days etc… 

Dear Carol,

First of all, I want to thank you for all your support that you have provided in / over the past / recent / last few years.

Due to my career planning, I am regrettably tendering / it is with regret that I tender this resignation letter to resign from my position here, effective immediately (20 July 2017).

The past 6 years and 7 months was / has been such a wonderful period of time in my life, during which I have learnt and gained a lot of valuable experience. Thank you for the professional and personal development you have assisted me with over the years. I will be sure to always keep that in my heart.

My last day will be April 7th. Before that I will fully cooperate on hand-over matters with the person who will take over my position.

After which time, if you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.