VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Speaking exercise

today is PP pass away 18 days already, i really miss him. we had many memorable time. PP was shy boy. when he met new people and animal he always hid but he always followed me. when i back home he always welcome me to the door and when i play with PC he sat on my lap and when I slept he likes sleeping with me. So, I treated PP like my friend and family or my kid. I prefer believe in all people and animal have soul. I will meet PP again.

today is 18 days since the day that PP passed away and i really miss him. we had many memorable times. PP was shy boy. when he met new people and animals he always hid but he always followed me. when i was back / got back home he always welcomed me at the door and when i used my / I was on my PC he sat on my lap and when I slept he liked sleeping with me. So, I treated PP like my friend and family or my kid / child. I prefer to believe that all people and animals have a soul so I will meet PP again.


sweat – chu han / han shui
eg. I sweat a lot when I run.
eg2. I have a lot of sweat on my body

hide / hid
eg. he always hid in my closet

closet – yi chu

I used to do sth / I did it before – in the past but not now

I have done it before – my experience / how many times / for how long before

kind – shan liang

do many believe in reincarnation in the west?

eg. I will not get a new pet unless I know it is PP’s reincarnation

i don’t plan to get a new pet 

since = from to now

I went home at 8PM and I got back home at 8:30

I’m really looking forward to it


he came to the door and welcomed me
he welcomed me at the door