VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Yesterday I have been finished my English class and passed my old company, then my felt haven’t changed. I stayed in the company for 5 years and I was pregnant in there. When I was there, I was very happy every day, except there were good colleagues and was delicious food. I can take a nap everyday noon, I was felt in my home.

Yesterday I had finished my English class and was passing my old company, and realised my feeling hadn’t changed. I had stayed in the company for 5 years and I was pregnant there. When I was there, I was very happy every day, because / as there were good colleagues and was delicious / good / tasty food. I could take a nap everyday in the afternoon (after 12) at noon (at 12), I felt like I was at home.

Yesterday after my English class, I was walking past my old company and realised that my feeling was the same as before.


i take him go to daycareI take him to daycare

trust – xiang xin

the lady, who is responsible for the family, is my friend

licence – zheng shu

leave home
eg. most foreigners leave home at 18

he is really happy / he is very happy

On Monday it rained / It was raining

he is american people he is (an) American 

for them it’s very tiredtiring
eg. I am tired because this class is tiring

eg. there is a famous speech that says “people are like snakes..”

I feel like a coffee = I want coffee

can – could – have been able to – will be able to
eg. Today I am able to drink coffee (can)

except = to not include sth
eg. I like all pizza except Papa Johns pizza

here / there – don’t need “in / at / on …”

go home / come here / go there
I am at home / am here / am there

I am off work at 8PM tonight / I will be off work at 8PM = I finished work

am confused / is confusing – hun luan

I will order delivery food for lunch today

such as / for example / for instance – bi ru shuo


paaeeennt = payynt
i spend time with my son painting

gaaeeeemz = gaymz